*Please note  all classes are 3 month commitments. (12 sessions, 1 class per week, for 12 weeks)

Pre-Requisites: Students should have a strong grasp of basic acting concepts such as, beats, objectives, text analysis skills, working with a scene partner,  through experience or beginner-level classes such as our Fundamentals 2 class

Suggested Reading: The Intent to Live, Respect for Acting, The Power Of the Actor and/or Audition

Current Term:
January 10th – March 28th

Accepting Registrations for:
April 11th – June 27th – Register Below
Tuesday Evenings – 7:00pm – 10:00pm with Erin Boyes

2023 Sessions:
September 12th – November 28th
Tuesdays Evenings – 7:00pm – 10:00pm with Erin Boyes


Course description:
This class will introduce students to the concepts and practice of preparation, script analysis, working with a partner and performance. Full plays will be read and discussed, scenes will be put on their feet and actors will explore their relationship with performance. Acting exercises used to warm up and wake up the actors emotional life and presence will be a focus. Strengthening work ethic and commitment to the preparation and follow through required of an actor will be highlighted. Students will be given reading assignments before class.

Erin Boyes
Meet your instructor

Erin Boyes

A dynamic theatre, film and television actor, Erin Boyes has worked in all mediums throughout the US and Canada for over fourteen years. After attending Cab Calloway School of the Arts in Delaware, where she majored in Drama and Vocals, Erin studied and began work as an actor in Philadelphia and New York. Not wanting to miss out on any opportunity to grow in the industry, she worked as a casting assistant, acting teacher, and talent agent assistant in New York. Her work in Philadelphia brought her to Vancouver to pursue acting full time. Erin then began years of travel pursuing studio acting and writing throughout Toronto, Los Angeles, Jamaica, Montreal and New York at Lonsdale Smith Studios and scene work in Los Angeles with Larry Moss, comedy sitcom with Lesly Kahn, Chubbuck Technique with Ivana Chubbuck and continued to work in other aspects of the industry as a producers assistant, producer and casting assistant in Los Angeles.

Topics Covered:
In this class you will learn and implement:

  • Scene Study basics of reading material, breaking down a scene, partner work, using the space of a theatre, presence in performance and  relaxation.
  • Deepening emotional connection to character and their relationships.
  • Exploration vs performance
  • The importance of monologue work.

What students are saying about this class

I love how honest Erin is in Audition class. Thanks to her past education, she is really able to connect with her students and bring out the best in them. Erin is extremely knowledgeable, cares about the work and strives for success from both herself and her students.