Book A Tour
We welcome everyone to a personal or virtual tour of our facilities. We’re not only a top tier acting school but we’re also a casting studio.
Book a tour - in person or virtual
It’s not Universal Studios, but we’re still pretty proud of it.
For those interested in attending VAS, you are more than welcome to book a tour for an escorted look at our studio. These tours will give you an insiders experience of the entire facility and an idea of our student life. For those living outside of Greater Vancouver, we are happy to use Zoom to have a live personal walkthrough of the studio, all conducted virtually.
Another option for those who are interested in our school but are not ready to make a commitment is to audit currently running classes for a day. Sit in on our classes to see the exciting in-class techniques and training that VAS offers each student.
To audit an acting or screenwriting class, contact us for more information.
Our admissions team is here from 9:00 am – 5:00 pm from Monday to Friday. We’d love to show you around and answer all of your questions face-to-face.
If you would like to book a tour, please contact us by calling (604) 564-7242 or filling out the form below.

Book a Virtual Tour

What students say about Vancouver Acting School