Industry News: Ryan Reynolds’ Group Effort Initiative

The Vancouver-born actor is committed to increasing efforts to boost inclusivity on his next film, as outlined in this Global News article. Through what is called the Group Effort Initiative, which is run by Reynolds’ production company Maximum Effort, trainees from marginalized communities will be hired to work alongside current industry professionals on an unnamed […]

Alumni News – Braydon Langford

Vancouver Acting School alumni Braydon Langford is working hard directing on set of his film Darker Than Night. The Alberta-born director returned to his hometown Drayton Valley with a small crew and they’ve been busy filming ever since. From the article: “‘The release date will hopefully be in February 2021,” he says.” We can’t wait […]

Instructor Nils Hognestad on Keeping Creative

Nils Hognestad, one of our Vancouver Acting School instructors, was recently interviewed by The Vancouver Sun about new projects he is working on behind the camera. An actor and writer, Nils is a perfect example of how the film industry has so many different channels and opportunities for creativity and story telling. From the article: […]

Our Very Own Instructor, Canadian actress Johannah Newmarch Exclusive Interview!

Canadian actress Johannah Newmarch fell in love with her craft after witnessing firsthand how powerful storytelling could be. But in her twenties, she found herself at a crossroads and said goodbye to the industry. That time away would prove to be invaluable, providing Johannah with a new perspective on life and a reinvigorated love for […]


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