Guest Speakers
At Vancouver Acting school our instructors are top-notch and some of the best in the business in their given field. They are experts in their subject matter and provide our students with exceptional instruction and direct connection to the industry. So that should be enough, right? Not for us! Every year we go even bigger and bring in a full list of amazing guest speakers that will blow you away! Here is just one of the many areas where our integration into the professional realm of what we teach really pays off.
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Our extensive network of industry professionals at your fingertips
Our extensive network will give you the chance to learn from a wide array of industry experts. They range every year, but include professional writers, directors and producers from TV shows and movies working right here in Vancouver. Actors with extensive experience in film and television in Hollywood and abroad. Voice-over actors from cartoons that you grew up watching. Head shot photographers. Principle agents and literary managers. Heads of the union. Experts in tax accounting for artists. Immigration agents for those looking to work in the USA. The list goes on and on.
By studying in a city where these industries are all booming, you have the opportunity to be exposed to these professionals, and begin building your network before you have even graduated. These are massive skills and advantages to have you job-ready once you have completed your studies.
Check out the list below for a small sampling of some of the incredible guest speakers that our students have learned from in the past. All of these, coupled with our cutting-edge curriculum makes VAS the place to be to start your career today.